Friday, January 22, 2010

The String Alongs - Claremont, NH

You know, in today's day and age everyone seems to expect bigger, better, faster and fancier things. It seems that we all want to upgrade this, or improve that...we're in an upgrade culture!
In fact, it seems out of the ordinary when we hear someone comment that the fast pace we all live is a departure of some kind. Most folks chalk it up to the novelty of old fashionedness when they hear someone reflecting on simpler times, or the fact that we're letting technology overtly interfere with humanity.

Cell phones are a great example of this. So are concerts...

Concert-goers virtually DEMAND the fancy light shows, HD backdrops, pyrotechnics....the whole shaboozle. However, I recently had a chance to take a 2 hour break from the world as we now know it. The veneue..."The String Alongs" at the Claremont Opera House.

In an intimate onstage event open to just under 100 folks, the String Alongs put on a really enjoyable performance. They're a local country and bluegrass music band made up of 4 very regular and very talented guys. No fancy onstage surround sound blasting out of trillion watt 3D. Just a lot of great music played on acoustic guitars and banjos (including one of my favorite Johnny Cash songs, and an awesome song about Dimicks, a local resturant where they often play gigs). It was perfect.

For information about The String Alongs, just look them up! They're not on the web but you can find their info just about anywhere in Claremont. For information about the Claremont Opera House and their other upcoming On Stage Events, log on to and check it out.